quarta-feira, 11 de julho de 2012

Host Family *----*

Lembra a pergunta que eu fiz no post sobre a Host mother?

"Se eu gostei da minha "Host Family"?! Quer sinceridade?!"


Mandei um e-mail pra Good Hope Studies pedindo o e-mail da Nellie (mina host mom) pra eu poder entrar em contato com ela. Eles me mandaram o e-mail da Gina, que é a filha dela e mora do outro lado da rua.

Mandei o e-mail falando sobre mim, sobre como eu estava ansiosa pra ir pra lá, mandei 3 fotos (uma minha, uma com os meninos da Africa do Sul e a outra com meu melhor amigo) e fiz algumas perguntinhas pra elas. Aah, e pedi uma foto delas também!

Quando eu acordei hoje, a resposta dela já estava lá *-* E esse foi uma parte do e-mail dela!

"Yes. Nellie is my mother and my first name is Gina and my daughter is Daniella.  Nellie is going to be 76 on 5 Sept (but she is very young at heart and loves the young girls who stay with her), I am 54 on 6 October and Daniella turned 26 on 1 March this year.  My mom is currently recovering from a knee operation and is doing very well.

We live in Green Point which is 30 minutes from the school in town if you walk but if you take the city transport it is quicker or if you would like to get to school very early every day I can drop you off on my way to work which will mean that we leave home at 07:40 and you get to school at 07:50 about 1 hour before the school starts.

About 5 minutes from our house is the new large stadium and just beyond that is the shopping centre called Victoria & Alfred Waterfront.  We are 30 minutes from the beautiful beaches of Clifton and Camps Bay (you are here for 3 months so I am sure you will have the opportunity of visiting them).  In Camps Bay there are many sidewalk cafes and restaurants which the students frequent and a club called Dizzies where the Brazilian students go for Karaoke.  In the centre of town there is a street where many clubs and pubs are and the students go to at night – Long Street and in this street is Dubliner (the most popular) Joburger and many others.  There are many sights here that are beautiful and I am sure that you are going to enjoy.

Before I answer your questions below let me say that my mom has had a student from your city – her name is Simone and she was a lovely young lady.  You must find out where your friends will be staying and I can tell you how far from us they are.  It is always good to have friends in the area so that you go around in pairs or a group.  I am also getting a student from Brazil on 3 September and her name is Simone da Silva but I am not sure which city she is from.

Daniella and I live across the road from my mom and we have 2 big dogs, 2 cats and some budgies.  We are a close family and every now and then we all get together and have dinner students included."

Da esquerda pra direita: Daniella (filha da Gina), Gina e minha host mom: Nellie

Fala a verdade: nem parece que a Nellie tem 76 anos né??! Daria uns 55 à 65 anos no máximo pra ela. E eu adorei o e-mail da Gina *-* Tipo, ela foi tão simpática. Apresentou tudo tão bem pra mim. To muuuito ansiosa pra conhecê-las. A Daniella também parece ser muito legal =)

E alguém notou que a Gina disse que vai ter uma Intercambista brasileira na casa dela a partir de 3 de Setembro?! *---* I'm not alone! ><

Nellie Milosevich, Host Mom

Então é isso... Agora é aguardar meu embarque daqui a 24 dias. *-* Dia 24 de Julho vai ter o Pré-Embarque da África do Sul. Vamos receber dicas e as passagens pro intercâmbio. Tá cada vez ficando mais perto *-*

Kisses, Jessica Lainny =*

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